- Research articles — up to 1 “author’s sheet” (= 40,000 characters, including spaces, notes, and reference-bibliographical apparatus, but excluding the annotations and key-words). If the Editorial Team agrees, an increase in length may be allowed.
- Short communications — up to 0.2 “author’s sheet” (=8,000 characters).
- Materials (publications, translations etc.) — no length limit set, but must be discussed in advance with the Editorial Team.
- Reviews, chronicle — length is not predetermined.
- Varia (letters to the Editors, polemics, jubilee essays, necrology, etc.) — length is not predetermined.
Illustrations for the articles, such as maps, charts, and graphs, must be forwarded to the Editorial Team as separate .JPG, .JPEG or .TIFF files; titles for the illustrations should be attached.
If a publication includes special characters, a version of the file in .PDF format must be attached.
- Some Latin abbreviations are permitted: i. e. (that is), etc. (et cetera), e. g. (for example). Both A. D. / B. C., and CE = of the Common Era / BCE = before the Common Era, may be used with dates; A. H. = anno Hegirae may also be used where appropriate.
- In Russian texts, the following abbreviations are permitted: т. е. (то есть), и т. д. (и так далее), и т. п. (и тому подобное), н. э. (наша эра), в. (век), вв. (века), г. (год), гг. (годы), but 1970-е годы for decades.
- An en-dash — not a hyphen! — is used to represent a span or range of numbers, dates, or time. There should be no space between the en-dash and the adjacent material.
In Russian-language papers, which cite literature in Cyrillic, lists “Литература” and “References” accompany the body of the article. The information in each list is the same, but the entries are organized in accordance with different sets of rules.
Non-academic publications (fiction, media materials, journalism, etc.) are listed in the “Источники” section. Sub-sections as “Archival sources” and “Internet sources”, “Dictionaries” are also possible. Bibliography in the sources section(s) should not be duplicated in “References” list.
The journal requires in-text citation of scholarly/scientific literature, using the Author-Date system: [Хальбвакс 2007; Oberdorfer 1998: 143].
In papers in English, within the body of the submission, Russian names and names in other languages using Cyrillic are given in transliteration, based on the simplified Library of Congress system; however, in some case, well-known personal names may be given in their commonly accepted English form. Thus, “As Lev Trotsky proposed…”, “In Dostoevsky’s novel The Idiot…”
3.1. The “Литература” section
Entries in the original Russian and other languages employing Cyrillic, as well as entries from other languages transliterated into Cyrillic, precede entries in Latin-based languages. Within each of these two groups, entries are alphabetized.
Monographs: author(s) — italicized; title; editor, translator, etc; place of publication, publisher, year of publication.
- Хальбвакс 2007 — Хальбвакс М. Социальные рамки памяти / Пер. с фр. и вступ. ст. С. Н. Зенкина. М.: Нов. изд-во, 2007.
- Oberdorfer 1998 — Oberdorfer D. From the Cold War to a New Era. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1998.
Articles in collective monographs or other edited volumes and serial publications: author(s) — italicized; title; complete title of collection; editor(s) or compiler(s), place of publication; publisher; year of publication; pages.
- Кронгауз 2014 — Кронгауз М. А. Мем в русскоязычном интернете: опыт деконструкции // Русский язык и новые технологии / Cост. Г. Ч. Гусейнов. М.: Нов. лит. обозрение, 2014. C. 87–95.
- Faubert 2015 — Faubert M. Romantic suicide, contagion, and Rousseau’s Julie // Romanticism, Rousseau, Switzerland: New prospects / Ed. by A. Esterhammer, D. Piccitto, P. Η. Vincent. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. P. 38–53.
- Гродецкая 2013 — Гродецкая А. Г. Реминисценции «Новой Элоизы» в финальных главах «Обломова» и «Что делать?» (еще раз о «тоске» Ольги Ильинской в «крымской» главе романа Гончарова) // Филологические записки: Вестник литературоведения и языкознания. Вып. 31. Воронеж: Изд.-полиграф. центр «Научная книга»; Воронеж. гос. ун-т, 2013. С. 39–49.
Articles in journals (periodicals): author(s) — italicized; title; complete title of journal or other serial; year of publication; number / issue; pages. In those cases where a journal is numbered continuously, the volume/issue are listed prior to the year of publication.
- de Souza e Silva 2006 — De Souza e Silva A. From cyber to hybrid: Mobile technologies as in-terfaces of hybrid spaces // Space & Culture. Vol. 9. No. 3. 2006. P. 261–278.
- Ryan 2013 — Ryan M.-L. Transmedial storytelling and transfictionality // Poetics Today. Vol. 34. No. 3. 2013. P. 361–388.
Electronic publications: full publication data and, following “URL:”, the web-link.
- Alejandro 2010 — Alejandro J. Journalism in the age of social media: Fellowship paper / Reu¬ters Institute for the Study of Journalism; Oxford University. 2010. URL: https://reuters-institute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/Journalism%20in%20the%20Age%20of%20Social%20Media.pdf.
- Jenkins 2010 — Jenkins H. Transmedia education: 7 principles revisited // Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The official weblog of Henry Jenkins. 2010. June 21. URL: http://henryjenkins.org/2010/06/transmedia_education_the_7_pri.html.
We ask the authors not to use hyperlinks, when citing electronic publications.
Entries in languages using alphabets other than Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic are transliterated in accordance with current standards.
- Кобаяси 2004 — Кобаяси Наоки. «Сясэкисю:»-то Сё:току-тайси // Нимбун кэнкю:. T. 55. 2004. С. 13–21.
- ‘Aṭṭar 1998 — ‘Aṭṭar Farīd al-Dīn. Manṭiq at-ṭayr / Taṣḥīḥ va šarḥ: Kāżim Dizfulian. Tihrān: Tilāyia, 1378/1998.
3.2. The “References” section
The “References” list adheres to the style developed by the American Psychological Association (APA).
All entries in this section must be in Latin script; in the case of languages employing scripts other than Latin, transliteration must be used. Literature in Russian is transliterated in accordance with the simplified Library of Congress system (without diacritics). See the example of the automatic transliteration via
All entries are arranged in a single file in alphabetical order of English.
In transliterated entries, each key element (title of article or monograph, title of journal or edited volume) is followed by a translation into English, enclosed in square brackets. Where an English-language version of the title of a journal or other type publication in Russian or another language already exists, that version must be used.
For all entries other than those published in Latin script, the language of publication is indicated at the end of the entry.
For transliterated elements, the English translation is given in square brackets. The following elements are translated:
1) title of the article in the journal/collection or chapter in the book (the name of the journal/book is not translated in this case):
- Vasil’eva, T. V. (2008). O geroe “Eneidy” [About the hero of the Aeneid]. In T. V. Vasil’eva. Poetika antichnoi filosofii (pp. 681–686). Akademicheskii Proekt; Triksta. (In Russian).
2) the title of the book, if the bibliographic record contains information about the book only.
- Vinokur, G. O. (2007). Biografiia i kul’tura [Biography and culture]. URSS. (In Russian).
All data other than author/compiler names, titles and publishers must be anglicized: editorial responsibility indications (“edited by”, etc.), reissue data and other technical information.
- Uspenskij, B. A. (1996). Izbrannye trudy [Selected works] (2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 205–336). Shkola “Iazyki russkoi kul’tury”. (In Russian).
- Trubnikova, N. N. (Trans. and Comment.), & Meshcheriakov, A. N. (Ed.) [n. d.]. Mudziu Itien. Sobranie peska i kamnei [Mujū Ichien. Sand and Pebbles Collection]. http://trubnikovann.narod.ru/MujuInd.htm. (In Russian).
- Schwartz, A. I., & Kroll, J. F. (2006). Bilingual lexical activation in sentence context. Journal of Memory and Language, 55(2), 197–212.
a) monograph: Author(s) (Last name, Initials) Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of work — italicized); first word of title and first word of subtitle, if present, capitalized, as well as any proper nouns, publisher.
- Connerton, P. (1989). How societies remember. Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Dunning, Ch. S. L. (2001). Russia’s first civil war: The Time of Troubles and the founding of the Romanov dynasty. The Pennsylvania State Univ. Press.
b) edited book: Format as above, beginning with the name(s) of the editor(s)
- Bergin, O., & Best, R. I. (Eds.) (1929). Lebor na hUidre: Book of the Dun Cow. Hodges, Figgis.
- Kurdiumova, T. F. (Ed.). (1991). Programmy po literature dlia srednikh obshcheobrazovatel’nykh uchebnykh zavedenii [Curricula for literature lessons for secondary schools]. Prosveshchenie. (In Russian).
c) article in journal: Author(s) Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of article. Title of journal — italicized, capital letters, Volume number (italicized), issue number in parentheses (not italicized), page range.
In the case of a journal where a volume number is not indicated, the year of publication should be used in its place,
- De Souza e Silva, A. (2006). From cyber to hybrid: Mobile technologies as interfaces of hybrid spaces. Space & Culture, 9(3), 261–278.
- Chaikovskii, M. S. (1891). Zapiski [Notes]. Kievskaia starina [Kievan antiquities], 1891(10), 98–107. (In Russian).
- Gudkov, L. (2005). “Pamiat’” o voine i massovaia identichnost’ rossiian [“Memory” of war and the mass identity of Russians]. Neprikosnovennyi zapas, 2005(2–3). Retrieved from http://magazines.russ.ru/nz/2005/2/gu5.html. (In Russian).
If the journal where the article is published has no numbering of volumes (the volume corresponds to the year), the year is put in place of the volume number, followed by the issue number in parentheses: Author1, X. X., Author2, Y. Y., & Author3, Ζ. Ζ. (2009). Paper title. Journal Title, 2009(3), 1–100.
If the journal uses only end-to-end numbering, starting from the first year of publication (without numbering the issues in a year), only the end-to-end issue number is given (italicized): Author1, X. X., & Author2, Ζ. Ζ. (2020). Paper title. Journal Title, 34, 1–100.
d) article or chapter in edited book: Author(s) Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of article or chapter. “In”, followed by the names of volume editors (Initial 1. Initial 2. Last name) (Ed. or Eds.), Title of edited volume — italicized, page range, publisher.
- Kroll, J. F., & Dussias, P. E. (2013). The comprehension of words and sentences in two languages. In T. Bhatia, & W. Ritchie (Eds.). The Handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism (2nd ed.) (pp. 216–243). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Paunova, E. V. (2001). Obmiraniia u lipovan [Times of temporary death among the Lipovans]. In O. B. Khristoforova (Compl.), S. Iu. Nekliudov (Ed.). Sny i videniia v narodnoi kul’ture. Mifologicheskii, religiozno-misticheskii i kul’turno-psikhologicheskie aspekty [Dreams and visions in popular culture. Mythological, religious and mystical, cultural and psychological aspects] (pp. 181–197). RGGU. (In Russian).
DOI should be added for all the papers, where it is used.
In the case of translated scholarly literature in Russian language papers, information about the original source of the translation is added.
In “Литература” section:
- Латур 2014 — Латур Б. Пересборка социального: Введение в акторно-сетевую теорию / Пер. с англ И. Полонской. М.: Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2014.
In “References” section:
- Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: Introduction to actor-network theory. Oxford Univ. Press.
If the indication of the translated edition is of fundamental importance for the article’s objectives (for example, if the focus is on the translation), in the References section information about the original source of the translation, in square brackets, follows the title.
- Latur, B. (2014). Peresborka sotsial’nogo: Vvedenie v aktorno-setevuiu teoriiu [Trans. from Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: Introduction to actor-network theory. Oxford Univ. Press]. Izdatel’skii dom Vysshei shkoly ekonomiki. (In Russian).
3.2.2. Abbreviations used in “References” list
The following abbreviations are used: Ed., Eds. = editor(s); Compl. = compiler, compiled by; Trans. = translator(s), translated by; Univ. = university
The place of publication and the publisher’s name are given in full. Thus, if an entry in the “Литература” section contains: М. Нов. лит. обозрение, then in the “References” section the corresponding entry should state: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
If an article is based on archival materials, these should be enumerated in a separate section, “Archival Sources”, prior to the “Литература” section, and not duplicated in “References”.
In the text of the article, archival documents may be cited as follows: [Постановление 1981], [Кривой 1938. Л. 2] [Sederholm 1826a] [Gästebuch (2)]. The list of sources will contain these entries:
- Постановление 1981 — Постановление совета Министров РСФСР от 30.11.81 «Об улучшении практики организации художественной самодеятельности в РСФСР» (Государственный архив Российской Федерации. Ф. А-259. Оп. 1. Д. 4240. Л. 32–35).
- Кривой 1938 — Кривой — Алексееву. Докладная записка. [1938 г.] (ПермГАНИ. Ф. 105. Оп. 5. Д. 95. Л. 1–9).
- Sederholm 1826a — Sederholm K. Brief an Cotta, 31. März 1826 (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Cotta Br.).
- Gästebuch — Gästebuch Gedenkstätte der Befreiung auf den Seelower Höhen. Bd. 2, 4, 5 (Archiv der Gedenkstätte / Museum Seelower Höhen).
Web-based sources may be cited by name and date of publication (in citing material from social media and forums, the nickname of the author of an entry and other relevant information may be included). If necessary, and if news sources are involved, a list of “Internet Sources” may be created (it is not duplicated in “References”). Some examples:
- Захаров 2003 — Захаров Д. Актуальные вопросы антинаркотической пропаганды // Нет наркотикам: Информационно-публицистический ресурс. 2003. 23 окт. URL: http://www.narkotiki.ru/5_5623.htm.
- Питонов 2013 — Питонов А. Сюжет песни о Донбассе Доризо подсказал муж Клары Лучко // Donbass.Ua. 2013. 22 окт. URL: http://donbass.ua/news/articles/gzl/2013/10/22/sjuzhet-pesni-o-donbasse-dorizo-podskazal-muzh-klary-luchko.html.
- Серебрякова 2016 — Серебрякова В. Масленица на лабутенах: [Запись в соц. сети «ВКонтакте»]. 2016. 31 марта. URL: https://vk.com/vserebryakova89?z=photo225629103_411343287%2Fwall225629103_450.
When citing notes on field research, a “List of Informants” should be created. They may be identified by initials (for example, [NN], [ЗЗА]), or by number (for example, [Inf. 1]).
NN — male; interview of 2012, November 12, interviewer Z. S. Vasil’eva.
ZZA — Zagorskaia Zinoveia Antonovna, born 1925, village Muravlevka, Odessa Region, Ukraine.
Inf. 1 — female, 35 years, Moscow.
Each article is accompanied by the following supplementary materials:
Author information: Last Name, First Name, Middle Name(s), complete, in Russian and transliterated; non-Cyrillic names are given in standard Russian transcription and in the original language. Highest degree, position, employer (in full), postal address of employer, including the postal index, e-mail address.
Information about the author is formatted as follows, in Russian and in English:
- Фамилия Имя Отчество
- кандидат филологических наук
- научный сотрудник,
- Центр типологии и семиотики фольклора, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет
- Россия, 125993, ГСП-3, Москва, Миусская площадь, д. 6
- E-mail: …@...
- Last name, First name, Middle name
- PhD (Candidate of Science in Philology)
- Researcher, Centre for Typological and Semiotic Folklore Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities
- Russia, 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, Miusskaya sq., 6
- E-mail: …@...
If the article is in Russian, the title translated into English. In either case, the translation should be informative and reflect the contents of the article.
Keywords in Russian and English (not required for reviews and scholarly chronicle entries).
Abstracts in both Russian and English. The English-language abstract of an article may be from 100 to 250 words in length. The abstract should set out the main ideas, the goals and results of the research presented in the article. Abstracts of scholarly chronicle reports may be shorter.
A book review does not require an abstract; instead, it includes a complete bibliographic description of the work(s) being reviewed — in Russian, following the rules set out in the “Литература” section, and in transliteration, following the APA format, as set out in the “References” section. In the case of a non-Russian work under review, a bibliographic description in both formats also will be provided.
- Рецензия на: Настройка языка: управление коммуникациями на постсоветском пространстве: Коллективная монография / Под ред. Е. Г. Лапиной-Кратасюк, О. В. Мороз, Е. Г. Ним. — М.: Нов. лит. обозрение, 2016. — 448 с. — (Научная библиотека. Научное приложение; Вып. 153).
- A review of: Lapina-Kratasyuk, E. G., Moroz, O. V., & Nim, E. G. (Eds.) (2016). Nastroika iazyka: upravlenie kommunikatsiiami na postsovetskom prostranstve: Kollektivnaia monografiia [Adjusting language: Managing communications in post-Soviet space. A collective monograph]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 448 p. (In Russian).
An example of an English-language abstract of a scholarly chronicle report:
Abstract. The paper presents a review of the conference “The local politics of big science: The human being and social orders of knowledge production in the late USSR” that was held at the School of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, RANEPA, on July 4–6, 2013.
References to grants and acknowledgements to colleagues are given in the “Благодарности” section and duplicated in English under “Acknowledgements”.